Thursday, October 18, 2007

A weekend in Ohio

What a beautiful weekend to fly to OH to visit friends!! I brought the baby and the camera, here's what came out of the trip:

A friend's beautiful baby girl. This was taken as she crawled around the floor of the dog training center. She was such a funny little thing, army crawling at the speed of light.
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And my own little imp. She was on hyperdrive this weekend; go-go-go-gooooo! Between 4am-9pm, she napped for a total of one hour. She was as good as gold though - too busy to fuss!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Photo hosting difference - blech. Here are the files on mpix hosting:

Compared to blogspot hosting (same exact files):

Neither one is right!!

I've also decided that I just really need a reflector or something on the other side. I actually bought a little reflector but it doesn't do much good - too small. I think I'm going to set up my 420ex as a slave w/a shoot-through umbrella to see if that makes a difference . . .